
Kyoshi's Story: Chapter Five cut version

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skydancer792007's avatar

Literature Text

The Start of a Journey
Warning: some adult situations. Boy/Girl

***: lapse in time

Weeks passed as they made their way to Álheimr, the kantari's kingdom.  Occasionally, they would pass through a town where the news of the massacre had reached.  Townspeople gossiped and rumors ran rampant.  Kyoshi chuckled to himself at some of the ridiculous notions people came up with.  As of yet, it didn't seem as though anyone had linked the assassination of the duke to the slaughter of the neighboring town.  Ash rested easy, feeling that they were in the clear.  With no witnesses, no one could connect them to the crimes.   

Along the way, Nerra and Ash's relationship kept things interesting.  She would continue to test Ash's patience, pushing him to his limit and he would take it out in some way on Kyoshi.    This irritated the assassin to no end and one evening, while Ash was reading from his spell book, Kyoshi brought it to her attention.

"Nerra," he said, cleaning up the dishes from dinner.  "Why must you irritate Ash so much?"

"Because i's fun to see 'is face all red," she answered nonchalantly.  "Why?  I thought ya liked doin' it,  too."

"Yeah, well.  I don't like being on the receiving end when you cause him to lose his temper."

"Watcha' talkin' 'bout?" she asked, looking up at him.  "He ain't hurt cha' none."

"It's not just that, Nerra," he said, tossing down the metal cup he was washing in his frustration.  "Do you think I like having to do everything and then only getting a scowl in return?  You know, he doesn't even look at me like he use to."

"Whadda ya mean?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

"He used to look at me with desire, like I was beautiful," Kyoshi continued, looking off into the water.  "He was patient and allowed me to walk beside him with my head held up.  Now, if I get near him, he turns angry eyes on me and when our eye meet, he scowls at me.  I don't even antagonize him anymore.  So it must be because of you."

"I thought ya did na like bein' treated like a girl," she said.  

"That's not the point, Nerra,"  Kyoshi growled.

"Did ya ev'a think it could be when ya were so rude a while ago?"

"What?" he asked, confused, and turned to look at her.

"Ya know, back at tha' village we decimated.  Ya were completely insolent ta him."

Kyoshi sat for a minute going over what she said.  It was probably true.  His memories of that time were hazy at best.  He only vaguely remembered that mission and when he tried to bring the memories out, a fierce pain erupted in his chest.

"Maybe your right," he said under his breath.

"Why don' cha jes' tell 'im the truth?" she said, collecting the rest of the dishes.

"I'm not ready, yet."

"So be it," she said and started back for the camp.

The discussion never came up again after that and at night, when they settled down for bed, Nerra would use her charms on Ash to make up for any irritation she caused.  It usually ended with them in bed together.  Kyoshi succeeded in learning how to better control his hormones, willing his body to not react in those instances.  When Nerra made Kyoshi her target, however, he still responded.  Ash began to tolerate a certain amount of flirtation in an attempt to limit at least some of the irritation Nerra caused him.


About three weeks after the massacre, the party reached the port city of Caiden. It was midday and the busy streets were a welcome distraction for the road-weary travelers.  Venders hawked their wares at anyone remotely near their stalls.  Everything from fresh fruit to jewelry to fish caught that day was laid out for display.  

Kyoshi found this distracting.  He very much wanted to visit the stalls but Ash did not stop.  He headed straight for the docks.  They would need to cross Solemn's bay, a week long journey, to reach Álheimr.  Nerra blanched at the sight of the blue, sparkling water, stretching  as far as she could see.  The waves crashed against the docks, sending  a salty spray high into the air.  Kyoshi was exhilarated, his earlier wish to visit the stalls forgotten.  Ash had never seen the child so animated.

"Come on, Nerra!" Kyoshi cried, his eyes bright.  "It'll be great!"

He grabbed her arm, intending to pull her toward the water.

"I thought water didn't bother you?" he teased.  

She dug her claws into the wood of the dock and growled. "Tha's not water!" she ground out.  "I's a endless abyss ready ta pull me down to i's bottomless depths."  

Undaunted, Kyoshi released her and ran for the water. "Fine," he called, not looking back.  "Be that way."

Kira, feeding off his excitement, spun and twirled in the air around him.  Kyoshi laughed at his antics, the pure, angelic sound stopping Nerra and Ash in their tracks.  Nerra forgot her anxiety and stood up straight, flashing a surprised look at Ash.  Ash wasn't looking at her.  He was staring at Kyoshi, eyes wide in disbelief. They watched Kyoshi jump around, playing and laughing with his closest companion.  A radiant glow filled Kyoshi's face, transforming him into someone neither Nerra nor Ash recognized. The sight brought a rare smile to Ash's lips.  He chuckled and turn to the catfolk.

"Come on, Nerra," he said, waving her over.  "Let's get something for your anxiety."

Remembering suddenly, she stiffened, her hackles rising in apprehension.  She turned around and followed Ash, ranting about cats and water that lasted all the way to the alchemy shop.  Kyoshi, lost in his own enjoyment, didn't even notice their departure.

Kira, eager to please Kyoshi, flew straight up in the air.  Kyoshi watched him, intrigued, as he disappeared in the bright sunlight, his brightly colored feathers black in silhouette for a moment.  Kyoshi watched for a while, concerned by the bird's departure.  As he watched, Kira came back into view, plummeting toward the water at an amazing speed with his wings tucked tightly at his sides.  At the last minute, he pulled up, beating his wings furiously and skimming the surface of the water with his talons.  

Kyoshi was cheering the stunt when he realized it wasn't all for show.  Kira beat his wings quickly to gain altitude, dragging a fish as big as he was from the water.  Kira fought with weight of the struggling animal as Kyoshi watched helplessly, eyes watering from his laughter.  Kira almost made it to the dock with his cumbersome load but lost it a couple of feet from safety.  Resigned, he landed on the dock next to Kyoshi, ruffling his feathers in irritation.

"Daijōbudesu, Kira," Kyoshi said, reassuring the bird.  "You'll get it next time."

He sat on the dock and showed Kira a little extra love while breathing in the scent of the salty air.  Closing his eyes, he leaned back on his left hand and let the sea breeze and salty spray wash over him while his mind drifted away.  He was absently petting Kira, who cooed in contentment, when a sudden force surged over him; a feeling of nostalgia he'd never experienced before.  It brought a sharp pain to his chest and he shot up, Kira flapping his wings in irritation.  Kyoshi stared out at the endless sea as though searching for an answer.  But he was only met with the bright blue water and large white clouds hugging the horizon.

'What was that?'  He grabbed the fabric over his chest and pressed hard into the muscle, feeling his heart pounding beneath his fingers and fighting a rush of vertigo.

Within minutes, the feeling was gone, leaving Kyoshi feeling empty and lost.  A few moments later, he was back to normal.  It would be a long time before Kyoshi realized the ocean had been calling him home.   

Later that day, after fetching Kyoshi from the docks, Ash booked two rooms at an inn in town.  He sent Nerra and Kyoshi back to the docks to secure passage on a ship.  As luck would have it, there was one leaving the next day.

"Do we really hav'ta cross da water?" Nerra asked, eyeing the water nervously.

"It'll be fine, Nerra," Kyoshi reassured her.  "It would take weeks to go around."

"I would 'na mind a few extra weeks."  Her hackles were raised and her shoulders slumped further down the closer to the water they got.  "'Sides.   Did na tha' dock worker say the Water Sprite did na take passengers?"

"You heard Ash, Nerra," Kyoshi said, irritated.  "We can't stay in town very long in case we are connected to the murders.  Who knows when the next passenger vessel will come through."

"More reason ta walk around."

"Are you going to be able to talk to the captain of the Water Sprite?"  Kyoshi said, stopping abruptly.  


Hearing no response, he turned to her.  Her eyes were wide and he noticed a slight tremble to her frame.

"Oh, come on!" he exclaimed.  "I'm not a negotiator, Nerra.   How am I supposed to convince him to take us?"

Nerra shrugged her shoulders.  "Sorry, I jes' can na think straight."

"Ugh!  Fine," he said, turning and storming off.  "Just...stay close and I'll get us on board that ship."   

Kyoshi, followed by Nerra, approached the captain, a large half-orc.  Kyoshi swallowed back bile as he thought back, briefly, to the last half-orc he'd had dealings with.  At least this one seemed to be more cordial.  He admired Kyoshi and Nerra's beauty but didn't leer.  Kyoshi took the lead, Nerra's thalassophobia freezing her to the boardwalk, her fear of the sea no less than earlier that day.  

"Hello, ladies," the half-orc said, leaning against a post on the dock.  "What can I do for you?"

"We need to book passage for ourselves and our bodyguard," Kyoshi said, lowering his eyelashes seductively.  "I'm Kyoshi and this is my companion, Nerra."  

"I don't carry passengers," he said, eyeing Kyoshi admiringly.

"As I've been told," Kyoshi answered.  "But it is imperative that my companion and I cross the bay soon.  We cannot wait for the next vessel."

Kyoshi sauntered up to the man, his brightly colored robes billowing in the sea breeze.  

"I might have room for three people," the half-orc said.  "Name's Shamien.  Can your bodyguard pull his weight on deck?"

"I'm sure he can complete any task you ask of him," Kyoshi said, running his hands along the man's muscular forearm.  "So, what do you say?"

Shamien stood up straight and sucked in a breath.  Kyoshi's aquamarine eyes sparkled with mischief and Shamien smiled, taking a lock of Kyoshi's hair in his hand.  He brought the strand to his face and inhaled Kyoshi's scent.  Closing his eyes, he leaned forward, running his nose along Kyoshi's jawline.  Suppressing a shiver, he stood straight suddenly.

"Alright," he said, his eyes half-open in lust.  "I'll let you join me.  And since you're so charming, I'll even give you a discount."

Leaning down, Shamien spoke softly into Kyoshi's ear.

"Is your friend equally as accommodating?" he asked.

Nerra, hearing the man despite his efforts, scowled and looked away.

"No," Kyoshi sighed.  "She gets horrible seasickness and most likely won't even leave her room.  Will that be a problem?"

Kyoshi placed his deceptively delicate hands on Shamien's bare chest.  The half-orc gripped them in his own and leaned down again.  His warm breath fanned Kyoshi's lips as he answered.

"Not at all, lovely.  I look forward to our arrangement."

"Great!" Kyoshi said, slipping free of Shamien's hold.

He held out his hand to Nerra and she placed a small purse in his palm, the coins inside tinkling softly.  Kyoshi handed the bag to Shamien.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Captain," Kyoshi said, winking.

Shamien watched them go with a lazy smile stretched across his face.  He tossed the bag in the air a couple of times and turned, boarding his ship and disappearing inside.


As soon as Kyoshi was out of sight of the docks, he crouched down and retched on the side of the road.  Nerra, recovered from her phobia, watched concerned.

"If ya 'ate it so much, why do ya do it?" she asked.

"Because I'm good at it and it gets the job done," he mumbled without rising from the ground.

"Ya don' have to do this to ya'self," Nerra said, approaching him.  "Ya can be ya'self.  I can help ya."  She knelt next to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

He jerked away from her and stood.  She looked up at him, seeing the old Kyoshi struggling to find his identity.  She already missed the carefree boy she'd seen that afternoon.

"I don't know any other way to be," he said and turned, walking swiftly back to the inn.

Nerra watched him go, sighing in defeat.  With a huff, she got back to her feet and sprinted to catch up to him.

"Kyoshi," she said, stopping in front of him.  "I can teach ya to be a man."

She took his arms in a firm grip.  Looking down at her, he sighed in defeat.

"Ya don' hafta keep pretendin'.  Yur beautiful and strong.  I know ya don' wanna...but tell Ash.  I know he'll help ya.  Ya gotta  strong 'art.  Learn ta listen ta it."

She placed her hand on his chest, over his pounding heart.  He looked down at it, contemplating.  He sighed and placed his hand over hers.

"I will," he said.  "After we cross the bay.  I don't want to be stuck on a ship with an angry mage."

She smiled brightly and kissed him on the cheek.  He gave a sad smile in return.  The rest of the walk to the inn was silent, twilight sending many of the shop venders indoors.  Kyoshi didn't seem to notice.  Nerra, tired of the awkward silence, tried to cheer her companion up with useless banter.  They were nearly to the inn when Nerra started going on about food and what she was going to eat for dinner.  Kyoshi's ears had successfully tuned her out but his body hadn't.  A loud grumble stopped both in their tracks.  Kyoshi snapped his head down to his stomach.  A second later, they were both smiling, a soft chuckle coming from the cold assassin.

"Alright, Nerra," he said, lightly.  "I'm better now so stop worrying about me."

"'K," she said, laughing.  "Race me ta the inn?"

"You know I can't beat you," he said.

"I don' know," she said, taunting him.  "I'm pretty faint with hunger."

"Fine," he said, sighing.

Then, before she could react, he dashed toward the building at the end of the street.  

"Hey!" she screamed.  "You did na even say go!"

"Sorry!" he called back.  "I need a head start!"

She laughed and ran after him, dropping to her hands and feet.  They crashed into the inn together, laughing and jostling for the first position.  The other patrons, Ash included, simply stared.  Clearing his throat, Kyoshi stood and presented himself properly.

"We have made the arrangements," he told Ash.  "We leave in the morning."

"Good," Ash responded.  "Go get something to eat and then rest.  It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Kyoshi nodded his head, took the key Ash offered, and made his way to the bar.  He ordered his dinner and asked for it to be delivered to his room.  Turning, he wished Ash and Nerra a good night and disappeared up the stairs.  Nerra glanced at Ash for a moment.  He didn't look happy.

"What is it?" she asked.

Ash turned to her, his eyes narrowed.

"Kyoshi isn't a playmate," he began. "She's a killing machine; an assassin.  You distract her from her purpose.  If she loses her killing edge because you want to frolic around with a girlfriend, I will not go easy on you."

"Take another look, Ash.  Kyoshi is a human, jes' like you, and ev'n a child at that.  If ya keep doin' wha' 'cher doin', ya'll jes' have a broken toy.  Do ya really want tha'?"

They glared at each other for a moment before Nerra huffed and marched over to the bar to order her dinner.  Ash slipped past her on his way to the stairs.

"I'll see you when you come to bed," he said, and continued on to his room.  

Nerra huffed again but knew she would be following him soon.  Turning to her plate, she licked her lips in anticipation.


They left early the next morning, Ash handing Nerra a tonic to drink.  Within minutes, she was walking around in a daze, unaware of her surroundings.  Kyoshi led her to the ship and up on deck.  Shamien looked at them curiously.

"Is she alright?" he asked.

"She just took something to help her relax," Kyoshi said.  "She'll be fine in a few hours.  This is our bodyguard, Ash."

Shamien nodded and led them to the room the three would be sharing.     

"I don't have a whole lot of room for you but if you don't mind sharing, this should be good enough," he said, waving his hand around the small cabin.  "Of course, if you want, you can always keep me company in my quarters."

Shamien gripped Kyoshi's rear and squeezed gently.  Kyoshi flinched but didn't move away.

"This'll be fine," he said, slipping the half-orc's hand free of his robes.  

"Well, if you change your mind..."  Shamien pulled Kyoshi's hair aside and nibbled on the back of his neck a moment before turning for the door.  "I expect you to work later, Ash."

A second later, the captain was back to work, bellowing orders at the other crewmen.  Ash, dragging a nearly unconscious Nerra, glared at the assassin.  Kyoshi shrugged his shoulders.

"It was the only way to get passage," Kyoshi said innocently.  "I suppose I could've slept with the man-"

Kyoshi's words were cut off suddenly as Ash pressed him hard against the bulkhead.  Kyoshi's eyes widened for a second before he smirked.

"He is not to touch you, understand?" Ash scowled.

"Of course, Master," Kyoshi said, tipping his head.

Ash released him and collected the badly swaying Nerra.  He laid her down on one of the two cots in the cabin.  They weren't very big, the cabin being cramped as it was.  Kyoshi could tell that there was originally only one cot in the room.  Shamien must have added the other cot for their convenience.  He'd have to remember to thank the half-orc later.  

"I'm going to find out what my 'duty' is going to be for the next week," Ash said, tucking his bag into the compartment under his and Nerra's bunk.  "Stay here and watch her.  Keep her out of trouble."  He turned and started to leave.  "And Kyoshi, don't do anything with Nerra, either."

"Why do you care," Kyoshi mumbled.  "You have Nerra.  What I do is my business-"

"Wrong," Ash snapped, approaching the defiant teen and pinning him against the bulkhead again.  "I paid for you.  That makes EVERYTHING you do my business and if I tell you to do or not do something, you better damn well listen.  Don't ever forget, pet.  You Are Mine!  For as long as I hold your contract.  Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Kyoshi said, condescendingly.

"I'm sorry?" Ash said, tilting his head to the side and red eyes glaring threateningly into Kyoshi's.  "I don't think I heard you."

"Yes, master," Kyoshi answered, lowering his eyes.

Ash released him and headed for the door.  Looking over his shoulder, he called back, "There will come a day when you push me too far.  I'm warning you now, Kyoshi, that day is not far away.  You had better learn obedience."

Kyoshi scowled and Ash swept from the room, anger radiating from his body. Nerra moaned on the cot.  In another half hour, she'd be able to move on her own but still be in enough of a daze not to be bothered by the water.  With a little time to wait, he sat on his own bunk and pulled out a quill and a small leather-bound book.  

He found it a couple days before, in a village right outside of Caiden.  Kyoshi was drawn to the book set up in a display case, the gold filigree spiraling along the edges reflecting the sunlight.  No bigger than his palm, he ached to have it and on impulse,  traded one of his precious jeweled combs for the tiny tome.  Ash said it was a waste of money.  What did an assassin need with a book?  But soon after they left the village, Kyoshi had an urge to fill the blank, vellum pages.  

Sitting in his quiet bunk, he stroked the leather lovingly and began to hum.  He couldn't remember when he first heard the song or even most of the words.  But as he started singing, the words flowed from his mouth as though he'd always known them.  The sound was angelic and heartbreaking, traveling through the bulkheads to enchant any who heard.  Kyoshi didn't realize at first, that the words he sang were from his ancient homeland.  He couldn't even remember what some of the words meant.  But he opened his beloved book and began to write, his beautiful, flowing script transferring his song to paper.

Nennen kororiyo okororiyo
(Calming words to make a baby sleep)

Boyawa yoikoda nenneshina
(My child, good child, sleeping)

Boyano omoriwa dokoe itta
(Where did the child's nursemaid go)

Ano yama koete satoe itta
(Across the mountain she went to her parents' home)

Sato no miyage ni nani moratta
(What kind of souvenirs did she receive from her parents' home)

Dendendaiko ni sho no fue
(A toy rattle and a flute)

The song brought back memories he had long buried.  Himiko had once sang it to him.  She said it was a popular lullaby among their people.  But it wasn't she he thought about.  A flash of tanzanite eyes and purple-black hair, lasting half a second, left Kyoshi yearning for something he couldn't explain.  The Saitamian language filled the vellum as Kyoshi finished his lyrics, his eyes mysteriously filling with moisture.  

By the time he was finished, Nerra began coming to. He blinked back his tears as she shook her head several times and rolled off the bed.  On her hands and feet, she stretched like a house cat with her arms stretched out in front of her and her rear in the air.  Her long tail curled over her back.  Kyoshi chuckled at the sight.  Realizing she had an audience, she shook her whole body vigorously and stood up.  Kyoshi watched curiously, as she sauntered over to him.

The lustful look in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by the suddenly wary assassin.  Before he could react, she pounced on him, pinning him to the wall of the cabin.  He sat, dumbstruck, as she nuzzled his neck, purring loudly into his ear.  Her hands snaked their way into his robes, parting them for her mouth's exploration.  He squirmed under her but that only excited her more.  Her mouth traveled down his sculpted chest, opening his robes as she went.

"Nerra," he gasped.  "We shouldn't be doing this.  Ash will hang me from the rigging."

She put a finger over his lips for a moment, encouraging him to be quiet.  Continuing her worship, she moved down his body. His smooth stomach tensed, the muscles hardening under her ministrations.  She settled on his navel for a moment while her hands ran underneath the robes covering his legs.  

When she was satisfied, Nerra sat up, licking her lips.  Kyoshi watched her, his eyes glazed over in contentment.  He remembered Ash's warning but his body refused to respond to his command.  Nerra made to straddle him when he heard footsteps approaching outside the door.  Kyoshi quickly pulled his robes closed and reached up to remove Nerra from his lap.  That was how Ash found them.  He scowled at Kyoshi.

"I don't know what is wrong with her," Kyoshi said, desperate.

Ash gently pulled her off Kyoshi's lap and deposited her on her own bunk.  Then, faster than Kyoshi could react, Ash swung around and delivered a powerful, backhand strike to his cheek.  Blood seeped from his mouth where his teeth bit the inside of his cheek.  Kyoshi did not look at the angry mage, his eyes turned down to his lap.  His cheek turned an angry red and stung terribly but Kyoshi did not show any reaction.

"Is it so hard for you to follow my orders?" Ash asked quietly.

He took Kyoshi's chin and turned his face to look at him.  Kyoshi's impassive face stared back.  After a moment, Ash released him, turning toward Nerra.  She sauntered up to him, rubbing against him seductively.

"Not now," he said, pushing her away.  "Apparently, my job aboard this vessel is cooking.  I refuse to do manual labor.  Can I trust you to follow my orders this time?"

"Yes, Master," Kyoshi said softly, bowing low to Ash.

"Alright.  I leave her to you then."

He took something from his bag and left the cabin.  Nerra stared after him longingly.  Kyoshi tucked his treasured book back into his bag.  When he came back up, Nerra was sitting in front of him.  She watched the emotions cross his face and tilted her head to the side.  She rubbed her cheek against his, purring and tickling him with her whiskers.
He held her tightly against him for a long time, relishing in the feel of someone in his arms.  After several minutes, she pulled back and patted him on the head.

"That's a little-" he started to say, chagrined.

Nerra's giggle stopped his comment.  He glared at her as she stood.

"Next time, there won' be nothin 'tween us," she said.

"Are you trying to get me killed," Kyoshi exclaimed.

"Don' be so melodramatic," she said, putting her clothes back in order.

"Why'd you do it, Nerra?" he asked, slightly hurt.

"Cause i' was fun.  Why else?"  She shook her body for a moment.

Kyoshi watched her with disbelief.  Did she really feel nothing?

"I'm not a toy for you to play with," he snapped, angry.  "Nor am I a child."

"'Course not," she said, dismissively.  

He schooled his features to hide the hurt her thoughtless actions had caused.

"Le's go on deck," she said, prancing around the room.

Without another word, he slipped off the bunk and reached into his bag, pulling out clean robes.  He changed quickly and led Nerra to the door.  He felt a moment of trepidation as he thought about Ash.  He hoped the mage never learned of their indiscretion.

As soon as they left the cramped sleeping quarters, Kyoshi's good spirits returned.  Nerra disappeared immediately but Kyoshi, lost in his own euphoria, didn't notice.  He was in awe by what he saw.  The sails of the ship bellied out with the wind, pushing the vessel along at a quick clip.  Kyoshi moved to the rails and glanced over.  The ship cut though the sparkling water with ease, creating white capped waves in its wake.  Huge, fluffy white clouds sat lazily on the horizon.  

Kyoshi turned into the wind, allowing it to pull at his hair and robes, whipping them behind him.  He closed his eyes, the feel of the salt spray and sea breeze filling his senses.  He was pulled back from his reverie by the cries of his closest companion.  Kira landed next to Kyoshi on the rail, conveying his excitement in quick whistles and clicks.  Kyoshi laughed and joined in with the bird's elation.  Unfortunately, lost in his own merriment, he neglected to keep a watchful eye on Nerra.   
Kyoshi and party have to cross Solemn's bay in order to reach the kantari's kingdom. How will Nerra handle being on a ship for days on end? Liquid catnip!!

Kyoshi and Nerra's relationship strengthens as she begins to learn more about the quiet assassin but can she really give him the love he so desperately seeks? Especially with a controlling Ash between them.

Kyoshi begins to remember things long forgotten and other things he has never known. Who's memories is he remembering?

Contains some sexuality.

***: lapse in time

Álheimr: name of the Kantari kingdom
Daijōbudesu: That's okay
thalassophobia: fear of the sea

ch 4: [link]
ch 6: [link]

original: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 skydancer792007
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